Avoid injuries with Training and Rehab
One of the reasons many experience injuries and pain, is oftentimes, through their job, sport or daily exertion of the body, which drags oneself into a monotonous work pattern.
En af årsagerne til at mange oplever skader og smerter, er at de ofte i deres arbejde eller sport, dagligt belaster deres krop og derved trækker sig selv ind i et ensidig arbejdes mønster. This creates a one-sided load in relation to the person's current mobility, stability, circuit, and strength. if nothing is done preventively, it can cause problems in the long run.
That’s what we can help prevent at RecoverGym!
We help you train preventively, with mobility, stability, circulation and strength. To best draw yourself out of situations you draw yourself into on a daily basis. Our programs are specific and can be made supplementary, or complementary to your everyday workout. If you want to get injury-free through your next marathon, football season or you just want less inconvenience at work, then a Training and Rehab subscription is just the thing. We offer prevention programs for your sport.
Try 2 days for free, by creating a Training and Rehab subscription her.

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