The pelvis is the most overlooked area of the body, if you pick what the general therapist focuses on. Science however has documented that almost 1 in 3 chronic back patients has some sort of pelvis issue as a cause.

It’s widely believed that the reason the pelvis gets so little attention, from a therapeutic standpoint is, that it’s simultaneously a troublesome joint to treat, reduced movement capability also reduces the number of injuries, But that nothing could be more wrong.

The pelvis is our foundation, and it isn’t straight, the rest of the body isn’t straight. If the pelvis can’t move unhindered, other joints will have to compensate for the lack of movements. Generally you should always consider the pelvis if there are some unexplained back problems. By the way it’s the only vertical joint in the body, which also has weight impact.

Find your injury in the list below:

Pelvic pain

  • Pain in the pelvic region, including buttock, lower back and hip.
  • Radiating pain, tingling, stinging or sleeping sensations in the legs and back.
  • Stiffness in the lower back.
  • Functional back sway due to muscle tension, which prevents movements of the back that trigger the pain.
  • Reduced mobility.
  • Consequential damage in lower and upper body.

Sciatic nerve pain / Sciatic nerve syndrome

  • Radiation down the back of the thigh, the outside and front of the lower leg, the outside and the front of the foot.
  • The symptoms worsen if you get up from a sitting position, ascend the stairs or drive a car for a long time.
  • The symptoms decrease if you exercise, ex. jogging or running.

Piriformis syndrome

  • Pain in the lumbar part or in the buttocks.
  • Radiating pain.
  • The pain increases with the load.
  • Pain or radiation when walking / running.
  • Restlessness in the leg when resting.
  • Irritation when driving a car where you can’t really find a good sitting position without it causing irritation in the buttock or leg.

Runner’s back (tendinopathy

  • Runner’s back: Basically, you can divide the injury into two types:
  • If the injury is double-sided, the injury will most often be located in the back, where excessive curvature of the spine will usually be visible and / or back pain initiates when training begins or after training. The pain will most likely be related to strong hip stretches; e.g. in running, hence the name “Runner’s Back”.
  • If the injury is unilateral, the injury will be felt in the attachment area of the groin and possibly in the bursae. It’s not strong enough to pull the back into a sway. The pain is most often provoked by heavy hip stretching and use; e.g. running, soccer and the like.

Lower crossed syndrome (pelvic / hip imbalance)

  • Runner’s back (lower back pain).
  • Baglårs skaderHamstring (back of thigh) injury.
  • Injuries in the groin.
  • Global back problems.